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           My experience during practice teaching is priceless. Priceless because of the enumerable learning I’ve got during that time. I can say that it molds my skills and abilities to the extent that I can say that I’m ready to teach, to be a full pledge teacher.


          They say that teaching is the hardest profession because of the responsibilities that a teacher has. It is not only to teach through mind but also teaching the students through the heart. It is the responsibility of a teacher to touch the lives of every student not for them to purely learn facts but to learn the essentials in life. For them to become a changed individual, for them to achieve their ultimate goals in life. The success of all students lies in a teacher’s hand.

          Practice teaching changed me as an individual. Changes makes me more matured enough to face everyday life. The change I’m referring to is the Transformation from a very simple student to a Pre-service teacher with a single aim, not to impart knowledge to students, not to be the best teacher but to be an inspiration to every young individual to strive hard in life.


        Gail Godwin once said that, “Good Teaching is one-fourth Preparation and three-fourths Pure Theatre.” Indeed preparation is the key for the success. Before anything else, one should prepare for tomorrow. Before a teacher must teach, he must prepare himself to be the agent of knowledge. He must prepare his weapons on teaching his students. Afterwards the process continues to the actual training ground.


          Before we become a Pre-service teachers, we are once a student. A student who was developed and molded by our mentors, by our teachers before we continue our battle on our training ground. Practice teaching is our training time to apply those learned principles and theories of teaching. But not what I’m expecting to happen, those learned principles and theories is just a little part of teaching. There are a lot of considerations to consider. But what important is to cater the needs of every single student.


          I remembered when my mentor once said, “Not everyone gets to love everything about the Profession. Just because you don’t love some tasks given to you, doesn’t make you less of a teacher. Just learn to love work to the point that it doesn’t seem like work.” I have learned to love every tasks that teacher should do despite of the struggles I’ve encountered during my off-campus teaching. My competency as a pre-service teacher comes out because of those challenges. I have learned to love every single thing of teaching. And I’m willing to dedicate my life for the sake of teaching.

Transforming Leadership: A Pursuit of Existence

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